I have always been a curious learner and having worked in various care setting for the past six years have helped me discover my passion for nursing. Being an empath, it was easy for me to relate to the service user’s circumstance but also thought me to think logically to make decisions based on the best interest of the service user.
Working as part of the team, I have acquired valuable skills that enables me to provide patient centred care. I always seek for new opportunities and resources available to enhance my clinical knowledge and to continue professional development. This allowed me to stay relevant and up to date with the advancements of the care setting.
Profile Information
General Care Experience
Home Care, Other Care Work, Care for close relative or loved one
Looking for work in the following locations:
Additional Information
English Language Level
Very Basic
Driving Licence
No License
Care Skills
- Catheter Care
- Dementia
- Incontinence
- Learning Disability
- Manual Handling
- Medication Training
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Parkinsons
- Spinal Injury
- Stoma
- Stroke
Care Qualifications
- NVQ Health and Social Care
Current DBS